Forum Keynote speakers

Introducing the Forum Keynote speakers

Dr Tyler Amell

Dr Tyler Amell

Keynote - International

Dr Tyler Amell is an internationally recognised thought leader and keynote speaker on the topic of workplace health and productivity. When he is not speaking at events around the world, Dr Amell is a trusted advisor to organisations, including insurers, service providers, and employers, on strategic and integrated workplace health and productivity.

Dr Amell is on Faculty and is the Registrar at Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences and Lead for Work and the Workplace. He is a strategic health advisor to numerous employers, insurers, and investment firms and is also Chief Health and Strategy Officer at MediKeeper, a San Diego-based wellness technology company. Dr Amell serves on the Wellness Council of America (WELCOA)’s Wellness Advisory Council, as well as on the Executive Board of Directors of the Wellness Work Wellness Institute (WWI). He is a past CRO/CHO at a wellness technology company, a Partner/Vice President at a global HR consulting & technology company, CEO of a HR technology company, and Vice President of a large Healthcare and Rehabilitation company.

Dr Amell holds a PhD in Rehabilitation Medicine, a MSc in Rehabilitation Science and a BSc in Health Sciences.

Kristen Hansen

Kristen Hansen

Keynote - Australia

Kristen Hansen is the founder of EnHansen Performance, a leading consultancy dedicated to equipping managers and executives with the strategies to enhance leadership, resilience, adaptability, creativity, coaching, and self-management. Through her innovative approach, Kristen empowers organisations to build engaged, high-performing teams capable of thriving in today’s fast-changing environment.

A pioneer in the field of Neuroleadership, Kristen draws upon her postgraduate studies in the Neuroscience of Leadership and over 20 years of senior management experience with major Australian organisations. Her NeuroTREAD™ framework (which focuses on Thriving, Resilience, Engagement, Adaptability, and Decision-making) has been adopted by more than 
25,000 managers, helping them develop the mental agility and emotional intelligence needed to lead effectively in complex and high-pressure situations.

Over the past 15 years, Kristen has delivered over 250 keynotes and facilitated 2,500 workshops, sharing her expertise with leaders and teams across diverse industries. She has worked with some of Australia’s largest companies, including 
Telstra, Westpac Group, Commonwealth Bank, Macquarie Bank, Goodman, NRMA, and the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Additionally, she has supported the leadership development of executives within government agencies, such as the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, the Australian Defence Force, and the University of New South Wales.

As an international keynote speaker and the author of TRACTION: The Neuroscience of Leadership and Performance, Kristen provides valuable insights into how understanding the brain can enhance leadership performance. Her passion for integrating neuroscience with leadership practices makes her a sought-after speaker and consultant, helping businesses and leaders alike to unlock their full potential and succeed in today’s dynamic world.

Dr Cameron Stockdale

Dr Cameron Stockdale

Keynote - International

Dr Cameron Stockdale, an executive leader and scholar in the fields of leadership, innovation, technology, law, and organisational behaviour, brings his extensive experience to bear in guiding positive change within organisations. Emphasising an approach of ongoing growth and refinement, his work focuses on increasing efficiencies and bolstering team performance. Drawing from a substantial background in emergency services, including over 25 years of hands-on experience, Dr Stockdale’s research is rooted in its practical applications. As the Chief Executive Officer and President of the Work Wellness Institute, a non-profit research organisation dedicated to conducting global research and disseminating knowledge that fosters a positive workplace environment Dr Stockdale’s goal is to make research more accessible for workplaces and employers, with a focus on workplace health, wellness and performance issues.

Besides his undergrad education in Recreation Management and Paramedicine, Dr Stockdale holds a Doctor of Education degree in Interdisciplinary Leadership from Creighton University, a Master of Laws degree in Innovation, Technology & Law from the University of Edinburgh, a Postgraduate Certificate in Organisational Behaviour from Harvard University Extension School, and a Master of Arts degree in Leadership from the University of Guelph.

Val Lougheed

Val Lougheed

Session speaker - International

Val has been working in the field of vocational rehabilitation for 46 years and ran her own company with 200 VR professionals for 35 years.

She is in the unique position of having been on both sides of the rehab fence. In 2003, Val almost died in a head-on collision. After recuperating five months in hospitals she spent the next three years in rehab and now lives with permanent impairments. Her first book, Be Still, is described as a “bridge between disciplines, professions and persons who live with changed realities”

Val’s second book, Be Strong (pre-publication manuscript), delves deeper into the meaning of recovery and the impact of rehabilitation services, and disability benefits systems.

Val is a passionate speaker who not only speaks the language of VR professionals, but also provides new clarity on the impact our services can have on the people we work with.

Julie Denning

Dr Julie Denning

Speaker - International Panel

Dr Julie Denning, BSc. MSc. PhD. PGDipCBT, HCPC, CPsychol is the joint owner of Working To Wellbeing, Chair of the Vocational Rehabilitation Association, and a Chartered Health Psychologist and CBT therapist, with over 21 years’ of experience working in vocational rehabilitation.
Starting as a pilot project for a small group of claimants with a cancer diagnosis, Working To Wellbeing has evolved into a fully formed vocational rehabilitation service to enable people with cancer and other long-term conditions to remain or return to work.
Julie is responsible for the design and delivery of vocational rehabilitation services that are multi and interdisciplinary in approach.  She trains, manages and clinically supervises a team of Health Psychologists, Occupational Psychologists, Physiotherapists, Cognitive Behavioral Therapists and Occupational Therapists as Clinical Health Coaches to help their patients to make behavioural changes to improve their health and workability.
Julie is also Chair of the Vocational Rehabilitation Association (VRA) and lecturer at Kings College London on the MSc Health Psychology course covering such topics such as communication skills, work and health, stress management and leadership.

Sean Harvey

Sean Harvey

Session speaker - International

Sean joined the Military in 1990 and served approximately 13 years. He has worked in the field of Logistics for almost 34 years in both the Military and civilian service.

As a veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces, Sean has had to deal with PTSD for the better part of his life. He has sought treatment and has found it very therapeutic to talk about his condition to people who are in the field of rehabilitation. He currently lives in Nova Scotia with his wife Tracey and also enjoys travelling and being outdoors.

Sean's presentation at the ARPA 2024 International Forum is title Post Traumatic Stress. A Military Timeline.

Tracey Harvey

Tracey Harvey

Speaker - International Panel

Tracey Harvey is past president of VRA Canada and currently on the board of directors. Over the course of her career, Tracey has supported individuals with intellectual disabilities, mental health challenges, physical disabilities and chronic health conditions, as well as medically released veterans.

Tracey holds an honours bachelor of science (Hons. B.Sc.) from McMaster University, with a double major in biology and mathematics. She completed her Developmental Services Worker (DSW) diploma at Humber College and went on to complete a master’s in education (M.Ed) at the University of Calgary, with a specialisation in community rehabilitation and disability studies. She has been a Registered Rehabilitation Professional (RRP) and member of VRA Canada since 2004. Also a Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Professional (CVRP) with the College of Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals (CVRP).

Tracey is passionate about helping individuals reach their full potential, finding and maintaining meaningful roles in their communities. Her professional interests include continuing education, professional development, evidence-based practice and vocational interest testing. She also loves to travel, hike, kayak, cook and curl, and is an avid reader.

Jennifer Christian

Dr Jennifer Christian

Speaker - International Panel

Jennifer Christian, MD, MPH, FACOEM is a thought leader and advocate for improving medical outcomes and preventing needless work disability in workers’ compensation and disability benefits systems.  Dr. Christian serves as an emissary of occupational medicine to the world of industry, government, and disability management.  She has a flair for interpreting the physician’s worldview to other stakeholder groups and vice-versa.  She has long been a frequent speaker at conferences, moderates two different list-servs for professionals, and most recently has become a blogger. She is also an innovator, having started new organizations and developed and launched new products, programs, and services designed to improve outcomes several times during her career.

She is board-certified in occupational medicine and earned both her medical and public health degrees from the University of Washington in Seattle.  She is a Fellow of the American College of Occupational & Environmental Medicine and chairs its Work Fitness & Disability Section. Her career in occupational medicine has been spent in multiple settings — in private practice, in heavy industry, in public health, in managed care, in workers’ compensation insurance.

Derick Borean

Derick Borean

Speaker - International Panel

Derick Borean founded Altius Group in 2001 to provide specialist support, guidance and partnership to help elevate the wellbeing of organisations and their people. He is a long-standing and committed member of ARPA NSW, serving both on the Council and as President. He is also serving on the ARPA National Council and Executive, while also holding the position of ARPA National President for the last four terms.

After completing undergraduate studies in Occupational Therapy at Sydney University, Derick worked across a range of clinical settings including surgical, sub-acute trauma, aged care, mental health, sport and in paediatric wards. His career in workplace health, recovery and wellbeing extends over 20 years, including four years of international experience in the United States. He has a a Master of Business, specialising in Personal Injury, and is a graduate of the AICD.

Derick’s deep knowledge, commitment and care for the workplace rehabilitation industry, both personally and as a service provider, is clearly demonstrated by his unrelenting focus on the care of people with injuries, and his advocacy for intelligent and sustainable scheme design and operation.

Master of Ceremonies

MC Darren Isenberg

Darren Isenberg

Darren Isenberg is one of Australia's leading corporate MCs and Speakers because, for over 29 years, he has brought warmth, humour and personality into a Conference Room … or Zoom.

He uses the role of MC to combine education with enjoyment, which allows delegates to not only better engage with the program but also to learn more and remember for longer.

Darren is renowned for his terrifically-tailored speaker introductions as well as his razor-sharp, on-message, ad-libbed comments at the end of each presentation, which offer a mix of fascinating facts, witty wordplay and a light sprinkling of refreshing humour … all aimed at helping connect you, the delegate, with the speaker and keeping everyone’s brains fresh and involved.

He is continually amazed that one week he can be working with a client in an industry such as Finance, Medicine and Tourism … and the next be working with Vegetable Growers or Waste Management Consultants! He looks forward to engaging with Workplace Rehabilitation professionals at the ARPA 2024 International Forum.