ARPA VIC Honour Roll

Best New Starter Award Original Employer

2024: Molly McCombe, Recovre Group

2023: Bennita Thongvilay - AMS Consulting Group
2022: Kate Terrell - IPAR Rehabilitation
2021: Akansha Chandra - Nabenet
2020: Patrick Costello - CAC
2019: Rebecca Cowen - IPAR Rehabilitation
2018: Nick Fogarty - Nabenet
2017: Rebecca Wadslei - IPAR Rehabilitation
2016: Naomi Kuek - WorkFocus Australia
2015: Leanne Sher - WorkFocus Australia
2014: Catherine Isaac - AMS Consulting Group
2013: Rachel Doody - The Recovre Group
2012: Benjamin Pickles - Nabenet
2011: Trent McCormick - WorkStreams

Best New Starter Award New Employer

2024: Ray Bagher, AMS Consulting

2023: Joanne Brown - Work Able Consulting
2022: Kyle Baker - Work Able Consulting
2021: Stephanie Christou - WorkFocus Australia
2020: Patrick Costello - CAC
2019: Samantha Anderson - Nabenet
2018: Zac Watkins - Nabenet
2017: Danielle Neal - CAC
2016: Christelle Louis - The Recovre Group
2015: Anita Cox - The Recovre Group
2014: Thi Tran - IPAR Rehabilitation
2013: George Lay - Nabenet
2012: Rowan Schirmer - IPAR Rehabilitation
2011: Shanthini Sritharan - WorkStreams

Outstanding Achievement in Return to Work Award - Psychological Claim

2024: Sam Bennett, APM

2023: Mia Groenewald - IPAR Rehabilitation
2022: Stephanie Christou - WorkFocus Australia
2021: Sandrea Cocker - IPAR
2020: Kirsten Read - Nabenet
2019: James McNeil - Nabenet
2018: Gary Greer - Work Able Consulting
2017: Karen Murphy - AMS Consulting Group
2016: Tom Coulson - Accelerait
2015: Greg Cameron - Carfi
2014: Laura Matthews - Nabenet
2013: Lauren Heatley - AMS Consulting Group
2012: Karina Ibbetson - The Recovre Group
2011: Janine Langley - The Recovre Group

Outstanding Achievement in Return to Work Award - Physical Claim

2024: Kate Freeman, Rehab Management

2023: Kate Flack - Nabenet
2022: Fiona Garnham - AMS Consulting Group
2021: Vanessa Piorek - IPAR Rehabilitation
2020: Nadia Nannetti - Nabenet
2019: Abid Mujala - AMS Consulting Group
2018: Frank Imbesi - AMS Consulting Group
2017: Frank Imbesi - AMS Consulting Group
2016: Gary Greer - WorkAble Consulting
2015: Christina Abufhele - Converge International
2014: Jessica Fennah - AMS Consulting Group
2013: Jim Klasouris - AMS Consulting Group
2012: Ana Melo - Nabenet
2011: Janelle McKenzie - IPAR Rehabilitation

Outstanding Consultant Award - Original Employer

2024: Yannick Verjans, AMS Consulting

2023: Brendon Carter - KINNECT
2022: Josh Wong - APM WorkCare
2021: Matthew Pumpa - Work Able Consulting
2020: Suzanne Abrahams - Nabenet
2019: Michelle Fedele - WorkFocus Australia
2018: Julie Oughtred - CAC
2017: Brent Weeks - AMS Consulting Group
2016: Ryan Mayvis - WorkFocus Australia
2015: Naomi Smith - CAC
2014: Brent Weeks - AMS Consulting Group
2013: Brent Weeks - AMS Consulting Group
2012: Peter Murphy - Nabenet
2011: Anjelo Ratnachandra - AMS Consulting Group

Outstanding Consultant Award - New Employer

2024: Julian Stremple, Kinnect

2023: Briony King - AMS Consulting Group
2022: Jodi Puncher - AMS Consulting Group
2021: Caitlin Murphy - AMS Consulting Group
2020: Andrea Eyers - The Recovre Group
2019: Ann-Maree Devescovi - Nabenet
2018: Annette Williams - IPAR Rehabilitation
2017: Anita Crestani - The Recovre Group
2016: Margaret Cozzolino - WorkAble Consulting
2015: Margaret Cozzolino - WorkAble Consulting
2014: Sarah Simmons - Nabenet
2013: Ashleigh Mealia - WorkAble Consulting
2012: Warren Penny - The Recovre Group
2011: Todd Britt - AMS Consulting Group

Exceptional Leadership Award

2024: David Ronan, Nabenet

2023: Alicia Mroz - PHSA
​​​​​​​2022: Charlotte Lewis - Nabenet
2021: Sarah Gomizel - IPAR Rehabilitation
2020: Jarrod Stonham - IPAR Rehabilitation
2019: Emma Olle - AMS Consulting Group
2018: Andrew Harriott - Work Able Consulting
2017: Rob Eldridge - CAC
2016: Elke Gjergja - IPAR Rehabilitation
2015: David Sagar - IPAR Rehabilitation
2014: Mark Belanti - Carfi
2013: Anthony Zalakos - The Recovre Group
2012: Ben O’Neill - IPAR Rehabilitation
2011: Sasha Schubiger - The Recovre Group

Innovation in Return to Work Award

2024: Elizabeth Ibrahim, Nabenet

2023: IPAR Rehabilitation Re-thinking Recovery
​​​​​​​2022: Joseph Bon - Nabenet
2021: Chris Issa - IPAR Rehabilitation
2020: Danielle Brown - WorkFocus Australia
2019: CAC Capacity Support Service Innovation
2018: CAC
2017: APM WorkCare
2016: WorkFocus Australia
2015: Jacqui Main - Nabenet
2014: Anjelo Ratnachandra - AMS Consulting Group
2013: Nabenet Geelong - Nabenet
2012: Mandy Stone and team - CAC
2011: Eleni Katsoulis - WorkStreams

Outstanding Student Award

2024: Breanna Ware, IPAR

2023: Michelle Harris - APM WorkCare
2022: Jonathon Tonna - APM WorkCare

President’s Award

2024: Pawan Mehta, Resolve Rehab Services

2023: Jarrod Stonham
​​​​​​​2022: Ben O'Neill
2021: Tom Flynn
2020: Paul Serong
2019: Janine Langley
2018: Frank Imbesi
2017: Elke Gjergja
2016: Yasmine Pateras
2015: Anthony Zalakos
2014: Cathie Lindholm
2013: Carol LaPeyre
2012: Andrew Paice
2011: Jane Monk